All About HUT

Our Story

All About The Hunters Ugly Truth

We are The Hunters Ugly Truth and it’s just that, it’s the truth and it’s ugly. We are not going to be just another podcast. We are going to say and talk about things that others will avoid because they don’t want to offend anyone. They want people to like them. They want to get along. They want to be accepted. But we’re seeking the cold hard truth.

Sometimes it’s obvious. Most of the time it is ugly and you don’t want to hear it. But that is what we are about…..The Hunters Ugly Truth. If the truth offends you, good. If it irritates you, even better. We want to get you motivated to get involved and help us reveal the truth and present solutions to the issues. We invite you to come in and debate us on the issue at hand. Tell us why we are wrong and give us a different way of looking at an issue. We’re also seeking critical thinkers who are willing to help us find solutions to the many problems we encounter.

With a combined 33 years of experience in the “industry” we have seen many things that we feel our fellow hunter need to hear. Things that have affected game population, hunter decline, product quality and much more. All of these changes have several things in common, greed, money and politics.

Why are we doing this? Because, like you, we are hunters too and we are tire of being taken advantage of. We did not sign up to be part of an industry but rather a family tradition. Weather you know it or not, the power lies within your hands through your purchasing dollars. So we’re going to give you the information you need to make good, informed decisions.

Our goal is to create a community of like minded hunters who want to find solutions, solve problems and put the power back into the hands of the hunters.

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